Our Services

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Caring Companionship

We’re available to simply be there to combat isolation and depression that many seniors experience. We can provide a listening ear or an opportunity to get out of the house to visit friends or go shopping. This could also include reading, playing games, or other activities.

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Light Housekeeping

This service includes laundry, dusting, vacuuming, dishes, changing bed linens and light organization.

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Meal Preparation

We can ensure your senior maintains a balanced diet with meal preparation.

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Medication Reminders

This service helps avoid skipping a dose, taking the wrong medication, or taking extra doses because they’ve forgotten. Can be provided in-person or via phone call.

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Assistance With Personal Care

Our care providers will assist with bathing, dressing, and other grooming activities that some cannot perform on their own.

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Incidental Transportation

We provide transportation and will accompany your senior during the eternity of their doctor visits or shopping trips.

Schedule A Consultation

Let’s get to know each other better and find the perfect mix of services for your family.